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Donate to American Friends of Canadian Conservation


Your contribution makes it possible for American Friends to permanently protect Canada’s lakes, rivers, shorelines, wetlands, forests, for the benefit or fish, wildlife, and all of us.

American Friends of Canadian Conservation (AFCC) is recognized by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a publicly-supported charity; therefore gifts to AFCC are tax deductible to U.S. taxpayers.

Type the amount you wish to donate in the box below and click Donate Now to begin the process. The website will issue a receipt and an official gift acknowledgement letter for tax purposes will follow via email. We will mail you a gift acknowledgement letter too.

Please read the terms for making grant recommendations to AFCC.

To contribute using a check, please go to the Donate Cash page for instructions. To donate securities, please call 360-515-7171 (US) or 250-688-1508 (Canada).

Consider being an ongoing supporter of Canadian conservation! Your recurring donation will be especially valuable. Just check the box and choose the timing of your future contributions below.

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