Join us every third Thursday at 1pm ET for a monthly gathering of alums to connect with one another, hear about the diverse contexts EDS alums are serving in their work and ministry, and stay up to date with all things EDS!
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Register below to join us on February 15 at 1pm ET, where we will hear from featured alum Katie Holicky.
The Rev. Katie Holicky '16 is an Episocpal Priest in the Diocese of Maine serving as Assistant Rector at St. Paul’s, Brunswick. She has a B.A. in Religious Studies and Minor in Catholic Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University and her Masters of Divinity, from Epsicopal Divinity School Cambridge, MA, focused on Intercultural Social Justice. For over a decade Katie has served parishes focusing on intergenerational ministry. In addition to working in traditional church settings, Katie also enjoys serving interspiritual/ ecumenical communities, is a trained Interfaith Spiritual Director, expert in facilitating conversations on racial justice, and an activist. Katie’s passion for serving in any setting comes from a deep desire to affirm, love, and build sacred community with all people no matter their journey.