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Thank you for supporting the Library.

The Falmouth Memorial Library is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit institution. The Library depends on donations from individuals and businesses to offer programming, provide reader services, and meet operating expenses. Thank you for your generosity!

Donor Information

Please note that it is our practice to list donor names and gift ranges in appropriate publications. From time to time, we will list your name unless you request otherwise.



Memorial and Commemorative Gifts

Please provide the name of the person(s) and/or occasion honored by your gift. Families may suggest donations be made to the Falmouth Memorial Library in memory of a loved one. A notable life event, such as an anniversary or birthday, may be similarly commemorated. For either type of gift, the donor will receive a thank you letter from the Library, and the honored person’s family (or designated contact) will receive a letter listing donor names (gift amounts are confidential).