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Golf Fundraiser Arts Partners & Sponsors Form 2024

Be a Sponsor! (Businesses, Organizations, Individuals):

GOLD $350 Businesses / Organizations: 

  • Name and logo with acknowledgment message professionally displayed on a sign near the clubhouse or on the course.    
  • Materials are distributed in gift bags and made available on our sponsor’s table.
  • Enjoy Unison Arts Partner benefits for 1 year!

SILVER $200 Individuals:

  • Sign displayed to remember someone with a personal message like “In memory of... “ or a personal acknowledgement such as “Thanks to the generosity of... “.
  • Enjoy Unison Arts Partner benefits for 1 year!

*Arts Partner benefits include: your logo on our website, online promotion of your business to our social media audience of 3,000+, and features in our email newsletter list of 4,000 subscribers.


Upload a high-resolution image of your business/organization's logo. We accept PDFs, JPEGs & PNGs.