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September 26 | Together Tuesday | Relationships - First Things First and Nurture the Next

Are you a single mom in college who could use some support or a volunteer who wants to help? We invite you to come learn more about The MOMentum Network, an organization that can help you cultivate connections with people who want to help you succeed. Childcare & Refreshments provided For more information, contact or call 423-521-0071.


About The MOMentum Network

The MOMentum Network empowers single moms in college by providing opportunities to connect, grow & lead. All of our events are open to single or expectant moms in college & many are open to the community. We love having women who are interested in suppporting single moms in college join us at events. Check out each opportunity to connect for more info. We'd love to have you join us!
Choose the description that most fits your situation today

Contact Information


Child care

As a two-generation organization, we take the care of your children very seriously. Here are a few important details to review before attending. Each parent must register their own children. Child care is not provided for children ages 10+, however, they may volunteer. Children must register and receive training to volunteer. Volunteers are never left alone with children. At least 1 vetted, background checked staff member will be present with children at all times. For safety and security, we do not allow unregistered, untrained adults to be present in the child care area. If your child is inconsolable after 10 minutes, we will request that you come to pick up your child and try again next time. Children over 6 weeks are not allowed to be present in the adult area, unless asleep, in order to allow moms to have full focus. If you bring a sleeping child in, if they awaken, you must step out to take to child care to complete session or attempt to complete another session later (no credit given for incomplete sessions).

How many children ages 6wks- 10 years old will you be needing childcare for?

Include: Name / Age / Sex (Enter N/F If you will not need any childcare). Additional registration form will need to be completed for child care.

Waiver, Privacy & General Photography Release

As one of the conditions of my participation, I specifically release The MOMentum Network (TMN), its students, agents and employees from any claims or liabilities of any kind whatsoever, arising from or related to my participation in these activities. By attending, I agree to keep group informational confidential and understand that information that I disclose will be kept confidential, except in the case of harm to myself or others. While individual privacy is a key pillar of this program. Leaders may anonymize &/or aggregate information in order to apply for grants or applicable support. Specific support requests may include a subsequent request for your permission to release specific information. Photo Release: I agree to grant to TMN and its authorized representatives permission to record on photography film and/or video, pictures of my participation. I further agree that any or all of the material photographed may be used, in any form, as part of any future publications, brochure, or other printed materials used to promote TMN, and further that such use shall be without payment of fees, royalties, special credit or other compensation. The Releasor hereby releases the Company Affiliates from any and all claims and demands that the Releasor may have now or at any time arising from this Release or the use of the Likeness or Recordings, including but not limited to, claims for personal injury, privacy, defamation, libel, right of publicity, infliction of emotional distress, or additional payment. If I wish for my photo to not be used, I will send a written request in advance of the meeting to Post meeting requests may not be feasible.