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Class of 2024 Application

Congratulations on deciding to take the next step in your leadership journey! We clearly believe there is more impact to be made as individuals grow their leadership capacity, community knowledge, and network connections — and we're happy you do too.

The application process is straightforward. We want to better understand candidates' motivations for joining a community leadership development program and ensure we have a balance of participant perspectives within the cohort. Before applying, please make sure you have reviewed the dates for the 2024 class sessions. 80% attendance is required to graduate. 

We are taking applications between September 15th and December 15st, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by the LP administrators and brought to the Leadership Pasadena Board for review after a candidate interview. Questions can be directed to

Please be sure to hit SUBMIT at the end or your application will not be saved. As it takes a little time to fill this out, please be ready to do it in one sitting. 


Contact Information


Employment Information

Our participants come from every professional scenario, including retired and/or self-employed. We collect employer information to know where our participants are coming from and keep a balance of industry perspectives, corporate size, and focus.

Some of our class sessions occur during the traditional work week. We hope early communication and transparency about session times allows you and your employer to clear your schedule to be able to attend all sessions.

This is to possibly invite your supervisor to your graduation, or if arrangements need to be made to support your employer paying your tuition.

Educational Background

We collect this information to know participants' area of study. We are curious about non-traditional education paths too!

Military Background

We offer scholarships to military veterans and military personnel in active service, if accepted into the program.

Only applicants with a honorable discharge will be considered for this program. If you received a discharge from military service that is less than honorable, please attach a brief written description of the reason for your discharge.Application materials are confidential and will be shared only with the small selection team.

Community Engagement

We know people define their community differently. We are interested in how and where you engage with other people outside of your professional realm.

Where have you volunteered before, and how long have you been volunteering for that organization/program/activity? Please put N/A if you have not participated in volunteer activities.

Please list any organizations, roles, and the length you've served in those roles. Put N/A if you have not worked with any nonprofit or Board.

Personal Interests / Community Concerns

This is where we get to know your connection to the community of the San Gabriel Valley/Greater Pasadena area — or the areas of personal concern and/or advocacy you believe need solution finding.

In 100 words or less, describe what brought you to us/this program.

Specifically, how do you see the concerns growing and/or how do you see yourself contributing to solution finding (if you would like to)?

Requested, but not required. Please put N/A if you choose not to answer.

N/A if none

N/A if none
Time Acknowledgement
We have space for 24 people in the cohort. It is important that everyone participate to the fullest of their ability. Participants are required to attend at least 80 percent of all scheduled seminars in order to graduate. By typing my name below, I indicate that I have received and reviewed the 2024 Leadership Pasadena class calendar and I understand and agree to adhere to the required time commitment.  I am also committed to supporting the greater Pasadena community through volunteership following my graduation from Leadership Pasadena.
Financial Commitment
$500 of your tuition is due by January 1, 2024. We encourage full payment of your tuition balance as soon as possible but no later than April 15, 2024 in order to graduate.  Tuition may be paid by check or credit card. By typing my name below, you understand and agree to the required financial commitment for Leadership Pasadena.
This is to help us with setting up a payment arrangement:

Other important information

The following information is requested to help us evaluate our program. None of your answers will be used in considering your application to participate in the next Leadership Pasadena class.
Please check all that apply or "Choose not to identify."

Thank you!

Please hit SUBMIT or your application will not be saved/submitted! Thank you for your interest in Leadership Pasadena. We will confirm receipt of your application within one week and will contact you to set up time to discuss your application.