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2024 Workshop - Rug Hooking Lab

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024

Time: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Location: Hudson House Classroom

Instructor: Sarah McNamara

Do you have questions about your current rug hooking project? Are you ready to start a new project or finish an old one?  Sarah will teach you all her tips and tricks for designing, color planning, and finishing your beautiful, traditional hooked rug.

Bring your ideas, your projects and your equipment to Hallockville’s first ever Rug Hooking Lab and let’s get those WIPs (Works-in-Progress) off the frame and onto the floor!

This class is geared toward people who have already participated in our rug hooking classes.  Sarah will have a limited supply of wool, linen and equipment for students to purchase.  If you are in need of something to finish your current project, please contact Sarah ahead of time.

$25 member/$30 non member


Become a Hallockville Museum Farm Member and save $10.00 for this workshop, go to HMF Membership Form

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