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Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in serving and supporting youth media literacy and justice with Reel Grrls!

We welcome volunteers with a wide variety of skills and experience, including graphic design, specialized filmmaking & editing skills, as well as media literacy, youth development, social justice, gender studies, data entry, technological support, and good old fashioned envelope stuffing. Reel Grrls centers marginalized voices to create a more equitable media landscape, and highly encourages women of color, gender non-conforming folks, immigrants of all abilities to apply.

Volunteers are at the core of Reel Grrls programming that fuel and support our success. Volunteers are not compensated except in some reel love and appreciation.  Hours vary.

Once you fill out this form, Sara Klotz the volunteer coordinator will reach out with you with paperwork, and put you on our volunteer mailing list so you will know about upcoming orientations, trainings, and opportunities for you to be involved!

If you have any questions, please send them to

Contact Information

Ex: Mixed race, cis gendered, woman, artist with law degree