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Volunteers are the Real Power of Chase's Mill

Volunteers are essential to every aspect of creating this vibrant community and maintaining the shop, Community Room, and grounds. Volunteers receive a 10% discount on Gift Shop purchases.

If you are interested in becoming a Chase's Mill volunteer, please let us know your interests. Training and support will be provided, so if there's something you'd like to try but feel unsure, let us know! You'll have all the help you need.

If none of these opportunities appeal, put some ideas in the last box. There's room for everyone.


On going tasks need to be repeated on a regular basis. Indicating interest means we'll contact you to find out when you are available to complete a task. *means we'll supply training and support!
One time tasks need to be done -- One Time! These tasks all have to do with the new Hill Shed or its immediate area. They might be completed over several days or weeks and/or might be accomplished by a small team working together. Indicating interest means we'll get in touch to find out when you are available and coordinate materials and tools.

Maybe you want to be involved but none of these options are quite right -- let us know a bit about you and we'll be in touch to find just the right fit!