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Books Between Kids Partner School Application 2019/2020

It is the mission of Books Between Kids is to build home libraries for economically disadvantaged children in Houston.  All students at our partner schools attend a Book Celebration on their campus where they each pick out 6 books to take home and keep. 

You are invited to complete and submit the following application to either continue your school's partnership with Books Between Kids or to be considered as one of the campuses we add to our program for the 2019-20 school year.  New schools are selected based on need, geographic location, and the school's ability to host a book celebration and incorporate the program into a larger campus-wide literacy focus. Most importantly, this application will allow us to get a better understanding of your campus so that we can serve your students more effectively. 

If your campus is selected and not within Houston ISD, it will be the responsibility of the school to coordinate the transportation of books from the Books Between Kids Warehouse.

If you have any questions, please contact us at or at 832-831-1402 ext 802.

General Information


School Enrollment

Please provide enrollment for your campus broken down by grade levels.

School Profile

Knowing what other literacy organizations/programs are working on your campus will allow us to work more closely with those organizations to ensure that we have a concerted effort to provide the highest quality of service to your students.

Book Celebration Planning

While Books Between Kids is able to grant the materials (books) for the book celebrations, each campus makes the book celebration itself a reality. Book celebrations give students a fun "book fair" experience without the cash register at the end. A successful book celebration is one that is promoted throughout the school; festive and organized; engages and involves staff, faculty, and parents; and is meaningful for the students. Book celebrations can be opportunities for more than just sending home books -- they can get students excited about summer reading and give them ample opportunity to practice self-selection skills and see reading as something that is fun rather than a chore! Later in the year, principals and school coordinators (those staff/faculty members at each campus who will coordinate the book celebration) will be given opportunities to learn more about hosting a successful book celebration, but, before that, there are a few questions to get you thinking about how a book celebration will look on your campus:
Usually a library, empty classroom, or multipurpose room that can be set up like a book fair and allow plenty of dedicated space for students to browse books.
Usually a librarian, reading specialist, Communities in Schools officer, or someone who has the time and literacy expertise to work with BBK to plan a meaningful event for the kids.
Setting up for and hosting a book drive may require some extra helping hands from parent volunteers or other volunteers you may have on your campus.
This may mean coordinating decorations, other summer reading events to coincide with the celebration, advertising the celebration to students and parents well in advance, and having staff members at the celebration to help make the celebration a time in which students are encouraged to talk about and pick out books that get them excited to be life-long readers.