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CHAP Volunteer Application for Minors

Please complete this form if you are between the ages of 13-17.

A background check is not required for minors, however we do require a letter of reference on your behalf. This can come from a teacher, coach, club leader, etc. Please upload your letter of reference at the end of this application. Thank you!!

Volunteer Information


General Information

If yes, please indicate how many hours you need and the date they must be completed by.

Please check all that apply
Please check all that apply. (Please note that the Studio is closed on Sundays and Mondays, although occasionally we need volunteer help with events on Sundays)
Please check all that apply

(In addition to any skills you think would be helpful at CHAP, please list specific languages you speak other than English here, if you checked that box above)

Image Release

I consent to, and authorize the taking, use, and reproduction of images and audio, of me at Children’s Healing Art Project (CHAP) by any media entity or individual hired by CHAP. I understand that I will not be compensated for the use of my images. This release shall remain in effect unless and until I notify CHAP of my revocation in writing, and agree that such revocation will apply only to materials, presentations, or publications produced or printed by CHAP after receipt of my written notification.
Applicant’s Certification

CHAP is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, religion, national origin, mental or physical disability, marital status or military service or any state protected classifications. We honor and value diversity in the workplace.

No applicant will be rejected as a result of an impairment that with reasonable accommodation does not prevent performance of the work.

CHAP does not tolerate sexual harassment or harassment on the basis of any protected class status in the work place.

I certify that I have answered truthfully and have not knowingly withheld information relative to my application. I understand that any misrepresentation or material omission on the application will result in my being eliminated from further consideration. I further understand that, if accepted to volunteer, any misrepresentation or material omission that becomes known to CHAP may result in my immediate termination.

If accepted to volunteer, I agree to adhere to all existing and future instruction, rules, and policies of CHAP. I understand that my position can be terminated at any time, at the option of either CHAP or myself.

I agree that I offer my services as a volunteer with no exception of monetary compensation and that I am to fulfill the commitment as outlined including any required training.


Demographic Information (optional)

CHAP is working to collect demographic information about participants to ensure diversity, equality and inclusion in our programs.
Please check all that apply