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RESCHEDULED: Inkubator Pop-Up Led by Starlight Elsewhere

PLEASE NOTE: Due to rain, this event has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 31.

Join us in person for an outdoor literary pop-up and book fair featuring community-building events led by Starlight Elsewhere!

Stop by the Eastman Reading Garden at the downtown Cleveland Public Library any time from 12-5pm for a book fair featuring local stores & presses as well as a DJ and food and drink vendors.

Beginning at 1pm, Inkubator Fellow and Starlight Elsewhere creator J. David will lead a community-building workshop on how to support, create, and maintain ethical, sustainable communities around literature. Then at 3pm you can join an open mic with a kickoff reading from poet Lisa Summe.

Don't miss this opportunity to gather and build community!



J. David is a Ukrainian-American writer and laboratory geneticist from Cleveland, Ohio. Their debut chapbook Hibernation Highway was released in 2020 from Madhouse Press. They are a Baldwin House fellow and member of the Sad Kid's Superhero Collective as well as Editor-in-Chief for Flypaper Magazine and chief poetry critic for the Cleveland Review of Books; their work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Harvard Review, Colorado Review, Salt Hill, Redivider, The Rumpus, Passages North, The Journal, Muzzle Magazine, and others.


Lisa Summe is the author of Say It Hurts (YesYes Books, 2021). She earned a BA and MA in literature at the University of Cincinnati, and an MFA in poetry from Virginia Tech. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Bat City Review, Cincinnati Review, Muzzle, Salt Hill, Verse Daily, West Branch, and elsewhere. You can find her running, playing baseball, or eating vegan pastries in Pittsburgh, PA.


Details: Inkubator Pop-Up Led by Starlight Elsewhere takes place Saturday, July 31 from 12-5pm in the Eastman Reading Garden at the downtown Cleveland Public Library. 

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