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Gift Information

Gifts can be made as either one-time gifts, or can be made as recurring monthly gifts automatically billed to your credit card. Payments are processed securely through a third party processor.

If you choose to make a monthly recurring gift, on the form below, please enter in the amount field below how much you would like to give each month (not the total amount you want to give), and then set a date for the billing to your card to end. You will be charged the first amount now, and then the same amount in subsequent months until the month you set as the ending month. Each month when your card is charged, you will receive a confirmation e-mail for the transaction.


St. Cecilia Giving Club Levels

Legacy Circle $10,000+
Founder's Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Principal's Circle $2,500 - $4,999
Leadership Circle $1,000 - $2,499
Educator's Circle $500 - $999
Lyre Club $250 - $499
Red and White Club $100 - $249
Indian Club $1 - $99

If your gift is not in honor or memory of someone, or you do not want it to be anonymous, you can just skip this field.

Personal Information


Please click the "Enter Payment Information" button below to pay online with your credit card. Payments are processed securely through a third party processor. All major credit cards are accepted. Adding the 3% helps the school offset the payment processing fees.