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Hilltop Neighborhood Walk

Join us for a walk through Tacoma’s historically diverse and culturally vibrant Hilltop neighborhood. Our guides, Sarah Low, and Hilltop resident and TTF Board Vice-preseident, Luke Vannice, will guide us through the neighborhood with trees in mind, teach us how to identify tree species, and consider the connections between trees, sidewalks, yards, and community. We’ll also be sharing details on our spring planting project, Green Blocks: Hilltop. 

We will be walking approximately 2 miles. These walks usually take 1-1.5 hrs, depending on the group’s pace and conversation. Fall will be arriving, so make sure to check the weather and layer up! Bring comfortable shoes, sunscreen (if it’s sunny), and a water bottle in case you get thirsty. 

Meeting Point: Mi Centro | 1208 S 10th St, Tacoma, WA 98405

Contact Information


Are you registering for yourself or more people? Bring your friends or family! Just let us know how many people to expect so we can make sure to accommodate for the right number of attendees.
We take photos of our events. Can we use photos with your image to share our work with others?

If there is any way we can make sure that this event is accessible to you and/or yours, please let us know.
Please consider supporting our work with a donation

We are committed to providing Tacoma urban area residents with free trees and free education. If you would like to support this work with a donation, we would grately appreciate it! You can do so here.

Thank you. 

Thanks for signing up!

We look forward to seeing you at Mi Centro on September 28. We'll be in touch prior to the event with more details. Thanks for supporting our work! 

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