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MAC Membership for Congregations


 Yes! We want to become MEMBERS of MAC. 


We support the mission of MAC, responding to God's call "To Make Visible Our Unity in Jesus by Educating & Advocating for Justice and Compassion, in Our Communities and Our World."

We envision God calling us towards MAC's vision statement to "Pray together as one, Be present in our State's broken places, and Walk in the freedom and openness of the Holy Spirit."


Congregational Membership:

Congregations supporting the work of MAC are welcome to join MAC. As we begin work together, we ask for a representative of your congregation attend a MAC Council meeting as an initial introduction between us. Please provide a statement of agreement with the mission and vision of MAC (above). MAC relies on your financial support and committment.

Congregation not currently a part of MAC denominations (judicatories) will be granted membership by a vote of the Council after the above has been completed.


Membership is renewed annually through completion of the Renewal Form and continued financial committment. 

Another option - Congregations or Houses of Worship may choose to become a partner instead of a member.  This does not require Council approval.  Please see separate partnership form.

For additional information please see our bylaws or contact us at




Contact Information


We are interested in participating and collaborating in the following way(s):