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Keep independent news alive in Norwalk


We believe independent journalism that focuses on local government is important, and we think you do too. You support is needed now more than ever.

Your contribution will go towards keeping the lights on, the web server running, and gasoline in the reporter's car. It will also help us hire additional staff, and sustain your news source into the future. Remember: NoN is a 501(c)(3) company, so your donation is tax deductible!

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Contact Information


Have questions or want to change a recurring donation? Contact us at

Prefer to mail a check? Our mailing address is PO Box 525, Norwalk, CT 06852.

Contributions or gifts to NancyOnNorwalk are tax deductible. Our tax ID is 46-5509772. NancyOnNorwalk is owned by Chapman Hyperlocal Media, Inc., a 501(3) nonprofit organization.