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Legacy Donor Application Form

Make a Lasting Impact for Wolves with Planned Giving

A planned gift to the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project (GCWRP) is a meaningful way to support our mission of bringing back wolves to help restore ecological health in the Grand Canyon region. By including GCWRP in your estate planning, you can make a significant contribution that might not be possible during your lifetime. Additionally, planned gifts can offer substantial tax and financial benefits.

Contact Information

By providing your phone number, you agree to receive text messages from the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project. Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies.

Bequests in will

To assist GCWRP with recordkeeping and future budget planning, please provide the following information. Note: This information is for confidential planning purposes only and is not legally binding.

Outright bequest(s) in will

Estimated amount

Estimated amount

Estimated amount

Estimated amount and property description

Estimated amount and description

% and estimated amount

describe conditions and estimated amount

Other or conditional bequest(s) in will

Please describe the purpose of your gift:

We would appreciate a copy of the relevant section of your will or trust that makes provisions for GCWRP to ensure your gift intentions are honored. This is not a binding agreement with GCWRP.

A few words in your will or trust can make a difference

The official language of the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project is: “I give, bequeath (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) to the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project, for general purposes or for the purpose of (Specific request).” To designate the Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project as a beneficiary of an asset, please reference the following information: Legal name: Grand Canyon Wolf Recovery Project Address: P.O. Box 233, Flagstaff, AZ 86002 Federal Tax ID number: 47-1110067