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Become a Member

Joining the Winnisquam Watershed Network ensures you stay abreast of all the latest news from our organization, including our newletters. Your gifts help us protect the watershed for future generations.

Use this form for new annual memberships only. To renew your annual membership, please use our Membership Renewal Form.



Renew annually by selecting Yearly Payments!

Select "YES" if your gift is eligible for a corporate or business matching gift.

Enter the name of the organization or employer for the matching gift.

Contact Information


Select "YES" to stay updated on the Lake Winnisquam Watershed.


Select your interests.

Please list any other interests in the watershed.
Select if you're a member of a local neighborhood association or region.

Please list your Neighborhood Association, if not listed above.

Tell us who referred you to the network.
501 c(3) notice

WWN is a 501 c(3) organization. Membership fees and most contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Complete payment using PayPal, credit card, or write your check payable to Winnisquam Watershed Network and mail to:

Winnisquam Watershed Network
PO Box 502
Winnisquam, NH 03289