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Pledge to Sponsor a Student

We are seeking sponsors to pledge to donate a total of $10,000 over a 5-year period (the amount needed to support one student).

Your donation covers scholarship funds, life coaching sessions, grief counseling sessions, emergency funds, dormitory supplies, a laptop computer, gift cards (birthday, Christmas, and graduation) for one student. The donation also covers social services and other support. All services are for a 5-year period (senior year of high school through college).

Your support is greatly appreciated.  As a small token of our appreciation for your support you will receive the following recognition:

  • Name listed on our website
  • Name listed in our annual report
  • Complimentary Invitation (ticket or link) to our Annual Scholarship Awards Luncheon
  • Name listed in our Scholarship Luncheon e-program booklet

Please note: Upon completion of this form, you will receive a confirmation email that contains a link to a unique donation form, where you can make your first pledge payment. If you choose a recurring donation schedule, your pledge donations will be automatically processed in the time increment selected on the same calendar day that you make the initial payment (i.e. If you make your first donation on March 3, 2022 and selected monthly donations, all donations moving forward will be processed on the 3rd of the month.). If you have preferences on the day of the month that your automatic donations will be processed, please be sure to make your first pledge donation on that day.
