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We Support Climate Leadership

Colorado is in a Climate Emergency.

We demand action.

I agree with the Colorado Farm & Food Alliance that protecting food security should be a priority which means we must demand bold and transformative climate action - at the federal, state, and local levels.

Climate change poses one of the gravest threats to the world’s water and food supplies, including to our farms and ranches here in Colorado. And agriculture and our food systems are also a substantial contributor to the problem of climate pollution.

The community of scientists that studies these issues is growing more adamant about the urgent need for major action on climate change and the narrow window in which we have to act to avoid even more extreme effects from global heating.
The climate emergency is already here, and we must adapt and prepare for what is coming. And our farms and food systems must also be part of the solution to address it. We must make our farms and food systems more resilient, and we must be smarter about how we use resources and run our businesses so we stop making the problem worse.

Therefore, we support policies that help rural communities, farms and other parts of the food supply chain to adapt to, prepare for and mitiage climate change.

Since burning fossil fuels is the leading cause of climate pollution, we support policies that quickly help us shift how we power our farms, ranches, homes, and businesses.

We support practices that benefit the climate, improve land and water health and build system resilience across the food system, from farms to tables, and we oppose policies that work counter to those goals.  

Sincerely, the undersigned, 

Contact Information


Adding your name and business to this letter...


If you join, we will add the name of your farm, business, or organization (and maybe the town) to our sign-on statement which we will share with policy-makers, possibly post on our website, and might share with the media.


If you sign on as an individual we would also like to be able to list your first name and your town which we will share with policy-makers, possibly post on our website, and might share with the media.


If and when we list supporters to share in the manners above, we will only include the information noted. However, we may contact you directly and tell you about how you can support our efforts to hold decision-makers accountable for addressing climate change with the urgency that science tells us we must.

We may also add you to our email list that we use to share updates about our activities as well as other timely information. You may also subscribe directly to our emailed newsletter via this form, and may unsubscribe from either at any time by following the link included. You can also opt-out of all email via this form.

We limit our email contact to supporters to only several a year. And we would hate for you to miss out on our great events and activities. But if you choose to, you can opt-out of further email contact here.