One moment please...


Make a donation in the name of a family member, colleague, friend, or loved one. Your donation to our section enables us to fund the  services we provide to young children and their families, and advocate effectively for issues important to women, children, and families.

Honor or remember your friends, family, and community occasions with a donation or tribute to NCJW’s Milwaukee Section.  Simply fill out the form below and we will send them a beautiful tribute card from you.

Contact Information



Honoree/Memorial Information

Please tell us who you would like to make a tribute donation for, and who should receive the tribute acknowledgement card.

ie. Birthday, memorial, anniversary, etc
Alternative Payment Instructions
If you do not wish to pay online, you can print this form and mail payment by check to: 
Judy Parrish
NCJW – Milwaukee Section – Tribute Cards
1824 W Sunnydale Ln
Mequon, WI 53092
Please make checks out to "NCJW Milwaukee Section"