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Support WXNA's Fall Pledge Drive

Help keep the home fires burning at WXNA! 

Giving Options

  • For a one-time gift of $120 -or- a recurring gift of $20 a month for 6 months, you'll receive an exclusive, high-quality WXNA throw blanket, plus knitted cap and sticker!
  • For a one-time gift of $60 -or- a recurring gift of $10 a month for 6 months, you'll receive an exclusive WXNA knitted cap and sticker! 
  • For a gift of $5 or more, you'll receive an exclusive WXNA sticker!

*IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are opting to make a monthly gift, please select the monthly amount from the options below. For example, if you want to make a monthly gift of $20 for 6 months for a total of $120, please select "$20" and "monthly" below. 



Contact Information


Is there a particular DJ or show that inspires you to support WXNA?