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Priceless Pets Ranch & Learning Center

It all started about 5 years ago, when we were in the midst of running our yearly summer camp when we thought - we wish we had a location to run these camps and educate our youth. Our Summer Camps have been a journey of renting facilities, and working with changing city schedules and we knew we had to have something of our own and somewhere where kids could come to learn.

We have had numerous people reach out to us through the years about rescuing farm animals and we always felt like it would be a dream to have a Ranch for kids to come to summer camp, come for tours, and host events in our learning center (still to come!).

Your donations will go directly towards the care for the farm animals, and furthering our mission of education, and advocating for all animals. Your donations will also go towards our capital funding campaign of building a learning center on the property that can house children, tours, groups and events in the years to come. 



Contact Information


Have you adopted a pet from Priceless Pets?
Are you interested in learning more about our ranch and what our future plans are?