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Community Project Award Application

Submit your Community Project application here!

Community Project Awards provide funds (up to $1,500) for community arts projects that benefit Shoreline or Lake Forest Park. 

​The 2022 Grants have been awarded. Please apply for 2023!


About You


About Your Project/Activity

Describe your project. Who is the intended audience (i.e. age group, specific populations, audiences , subscribers)? How will you measure the success of the project? During the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Projects, activities, and events must be done in safe and socially distanced ways according to the guidance and regulations put forth by the Washington State Department of Health and Governor Jay Inslee’s Safe Start phased reopening plan.



If not yet known, just say "unknown"

Describe the artistic accomplishments of the primary artists engaged in this project. How will this project encourage arts development in the community or your organization? [250 words max]

How does this project meet a public interest or need? How is the project unique to the Shoreline/Lake forest Park area? Briefly describe the mission and goals of your organization. [250 words max]

Will this project proceed if funding in not received from this application? Are their other sources of funding helping to project the project?

Organizational Budget Information

(example: Dec 31, June 30)

Project Budget Expense Information

Please describe your project/activity budget [maximum $1500] in as much detail as possible:

Project Budget Income Information

Additional Materials

newsletters, program fliers, letters of support, marketing materials

newsletters, program fliers, letters of support, marketing materials

Sign & Submit
