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2023 Grand Goals

Your gift makes the library's Summer Reading program possible. Help us raise $20,000 this summer to keep our community's kiddos on track for success in the next school year. Your gift will be matched up to $10,000 by a generous local granny!

Consider becoming a dedicated Page Turner by setting up a monthly donation schedule. Your annual total will be applied to this match AND you'll receive an adorable Dottie mug in thanks.

The LPL Friends & Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to raising private funds in support of our library. Donor levels and associated perks are listed at the bottom of the page.


Contact Information


Levels & Perks

Page Turners - Monthly givers
-Benefits apply based on annual sum

Short Story - $25
-Subscription to the LPL Reader
-Donor Night entry into book sales
-BFF events

Novel - $50
-Learn about upcoming author visits ahead of the public
-And all previously mentioned benefits

Bestseller - $100
-Behind-the-scenes tour of the library
-And all previously mentioned benefits

Classic - $500
-Reserved seats at select events
-And all previously mentioned benefits

New Chapter Society - $1000
-Author receptions and Read Across Lawrence book
-And all previously mentioned benefits

Open Book (Other)
-Benefits apply based on annual sum

Memoir - Planned Gifts
-New Chapter Society membership and related benefits