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Tree Stewards Application - September 2024

Tree Stewards are community tree champions who help grow and protect Tacoma's urban tree canopy.

Are you passionate about connecting your neighborhood with tree resources? Are eager to learn more about how to care for your neighborhoods trees? Become a tree steward and gain essentials tools on how to connect with your community about trees and their collective benefits!

This FREE day-long training on Sept 21st will include information on tree selection, planting, and pruning young trees. Participants will also learn how to communicate about trees with their neighbors and how to engage in their Tacoma neighborhood in tree planting and utilize our BRANCH OUT event. 

Up to 20 tree stewards will receive the skills they need to take local actions and engage with their communities about sustainability and stewardship. 

Snacks, light refreshments and lunch will be provided. If the applications exceed 20 we will prioritize applicants from Tacoma Frontline Communities*. You can expect an acceptance email from TTF by Sept 14th (new extension).

Green Blocks and Branch out are Tacoma Tree Foundation programs, funded and bolstered by our partnership with the City of Tacoma’s Urban Forestry program. Funds for this project were provided by the City of Tacoma’s Community Tree Program

Frontline Community Members are experiencing at least one of the following categories: 

  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • Speak English as a second language
  • Low household income
  • Ages 16-26 or 59+
  • Living with three or more generations in one home
  • Living with more than one family in one home
  • Living with a disability
  • Immigrant
  • Experiencing homelessness or housing instability
  • Completed formal education up to a high school/GED level
  • First or second-generation American
  • Experiencing food insecurity


Contact Information


Is there anything we should know or consider providing to make this training more accessible to you? These details are never used when determining participants.
Volunteers at Tacoma Tree Foundation help out in various ways including planting trees, neighborhood canvasing and as event staff.

Release of Liability

COVID-19 Symptoms: If indicating any of the following symptoms I will not attend the event: Fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, stuffy or runny nose, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Higher risk populations- Older adults (65 and over) and persons with severe pre-existing health conditions are thought to be at increased risk to COVID-19. We encourage you to assess your own personal risk to exposure and if volunteering is an appropriate activity for your age or health condition.

Optional Demographics

The Tacoma Tree Foundation strives to build & maintain an equitable and representative organization. In order to be accountable to our equity goals we need to know more about the audience we serve. We ask you to voluntarily self-identify the information requested in the form below. Submission of this information is voluntary and no adverse consequences will result from either providing this information or declining to provide it. The information you provide in this section will not be shared in an identifiable way.
How do you describe your personal financial experience currently?