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Share Your Personal Memories of Growing Up in Hancock County in the 1990s

Hey ‘90s kids of Hancock County! We know you have some great memories of growing up ‘90s, and we’d love to hear your stories! Did you have your first kiss at Ohio Skate, or have the time of your life at a YMCA Lock-In? Do you remember getting your Book-It certificate and having a pizza party with your friends at Pizza Hut? We want to hear it all! If you’ve got photos, artwork, or videos to go along with your written memories, share them! There’s a space to upload, or feel free to contact us if your file is too large! Get to posting, because we know your 90s Nostalgia is going to be contagious!

Contact Information

(i.e. Findlay, Arlington, Mt. Blanchard, etc.)

Upload Materials

The Hancock Historical Museum is interested in photographs or other original creations produced during the 1990s in Hancock County that reflect your personal experience. Upload any items here that relate to your story!

Files must be less than 20MB. Acceptable file types include: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, pdf, doc, docx, mp3, mp4, mv4.

Thank you for helping us to preserve this unique time in our community's history.

Please contact with any questions or concerns.