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LexFarm Volunteer Registration and Liability Release and Waiver 2024

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Every LexFarm Volunteer must register and complete this Liability Release and Waiver each year.

Volunteer Participant Information


Please indicate the relationship of the Emergency Contact to the Volunteer.

Parent / guardian must read and sign this form.

Liability Release and Waiver


I have voluntarily read this warning, understood this warning, accept and assume all of the risks inherent or otherwise of participating in an Activity.

Voluntary Agreement

Please enter the email of the person signing this waiver. If Participant is under 18, please enter email for parent or guardian signing this form.


Photo Release

LexFarm often takes photographs to document its work and activities. LexFarm seeks your permission to publish in print, electronic, video, or any other medium, the likeness or image of each participant for the general promotion of LexFarm programming. If you consent to the publishing of such photographs, please consent by checking the box and entering your name below. (If the participant is under 18 years of age, the parent or guardian must consent) If you do not consent, please leave this field blank.

Sign and Submit Registration and Liability Release and Waiver Form

By submitting this form, I represent that I am 18 years of age or older and that all of the information I have provided above is accurate to the best of my knowledge.