One moment please...

Choose Date and Time

The calendar above is for reference - enter your dates in the form fields below. Select only a date and time that is not already "busy" on the calendar above. Events may be booked on the same date as an existing reservation if you leave at least an hour of buffer time between your reservation and existing reservations.

The time you plan to begin use including set-up.

Include time for cleaning up Retreat after use.
Contact Information

We will use email to notify you of opening/closing instructions
Receive free information by email about land acquisitions, upcoming events, volunteer opportunities and online newsletters.

Desribe Event

Number of people expected at event

Estimate the number of vehicles needing parking space
Caretaker will be notified of your intended use of the following. Cottage use needs approval.

Watercraft available for those familiar with their use, at your own risk. Adult supervision and PFDs required.  Use is subject to weather and water conditions.  Any use of watercraft is at the discretion of the Property Manager.  Canoe paddles provided.  There are some PFDs on the premises but it important to use and wear PFDs that fit the user.  There is no swimming allowed.  There is no lifeguard on duty.

Must be read and checked if using watercraft on the premises

All use of the Marsin Retreat facilities and lakeshore campus MUST BE SCHEDULED IN ADVANCE through the KLT office and is AT YOUR OWN RISK.  Your scheduled use of the Retreat is exclusive, but you may encounter other visitors.  Larger groups should plan to contract extra portable toilets, recommend carpooling, and plan for some parking along one side of Red Brick Road.  Cell service is unreliable at Marsin and no internet or phone service is provided

BE PREPARED Internet and cell service is spotty at Marsin..   A First aid kit provided but BE PREPARED.  Cell phone service can be intermittent.  Curtis, Marsin Property Manager, is often on the grounds. 

We provide firewood, fuel for the grill, and garbage bags.  You MAY find some paper products there from previous users, but plan to bring your own (including toilet paper if you have a large group).   Bring your own towels and bedding.  You may leave paper or dried goods (like coffee) but please plan to take ALL food with you, including canned goods.

I/We Understand that Use of Marsin Retreat facilities must be approved in advance by the Keweenaw Land Trust

  • Use of the Retreat must be in keeping with its mission for quiet enjoyment of a natural setting and respectful of the neighborhood community and of the Marsin property and facilities.
  • We will receive detailed instructions for use of the facility including access and checking out.
  • Use is mostly self-serve and we should plan to clean up and leave the facilities and grounds better than when arriving.  Cleaning supplies will be provided.
  • The Marsin facilities are not to be used for commercial purposes.
  • Smoking is not permitted indoors.  Smoking is permitted outdoors with all butts removed with your trash.
  • No littering, including cigarette butts, is allowed on any of the Marsin Retreat or Nature Area property.
  • Only service animals are allowed inside buildings.
  • All refuse from your event must be removed from the property – garbage bags provided.
  • Children are welcome with adult supervision, especially in the kitchen area and near open water.
  • Use of watercraft at your own risk and subject to discretion of KLT/Marsin Property Manager.
  • Pre-event site inspections and/or orientation to proper use of Marsin provided upon request.
  • Opportunities for future use will depend upon our current use and condition of property following our event.
  • We will be charged for damages resulting directly from our use of the Marsin Retreat and Preserve.


We welcome feedback on your stay at Marsin, including wildlife observations, problems, suggestions, condition of property upon arrival, things you think we should provide or change.  Please send comments along with your donation for your use of the Marsin Nature Retreat.  


There is no fee for use of Marsin – scheduled use is by free-will donation. Please be as generous as possible as soon as possible AFTER use. For taxes purposes, we value the use of Marsin at $125 for a full day.  Please consider what you used during your stay, the nature of your event, your group size and duration, and so forth and give what you can to support the upkeep of this special place.  In supporting Keweenaw Land Trust you enable us to continue operations and improvements at Marsin.  

Marsin Donation after use can be made on line at Marsin Donation LINK

OR can be made by check payable and mailed to Keweenaw Land Trust at 49902 Limerick Street, Hancock, MI  49930.  Contributions of service projects or useable goods are also welcome and should be discussed in advance with the KLT staff at or (906) 482-0820.