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2023 Celebration of Life (546 × 360 px).png

Thank you for joining us at our 50th Annual Celebration of Life Banquet! The 2023 banquet will be held at the Kentucky Exposition Center @ 937 Phillips Lane. Enjoy your evening!


We will NOT spam your phone with robocalls.

Please include the names of all table attendees, if known. If unknown, you can report additional names to the Right to Life of Louisville office up to March 18th.

If selecting the half or quarter-page business / organization booklet advertising option, please include a logo or ad for your organization.

Please list your business / organization name as you would like it displayed in our program booklet.

Please indicate either your phone # or website, whichever you want listed in the booklet.

Let us know if any attendee requires a gluten free meal. Please be specific and indicate the name of the attendee.