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Summers Strings 2024 Registration

Contact Information

parent email for youths under 18

students under 18

This is for demographic reporting, and to identify minors

Parent's number for youths under 18

For students under 18

landline, work

Demographic information

This is used for statistical purposes (grant reporting, etc.) Some sections are optional
Check all that apply
Please check any which apply (optional)

Member Agreement

By entering my legal name above, I agree to follow proper decorum as set by the Summer Strings Director. I agree to participate in the FCO’s performance activities to the fullest extent possible and to notify the Summer Strings Director in advance if I am unable to participate in any activity. I authorize FCO to promote its mission, and Summer Strings, with press releases, website postings, concert programs, brochures, photos, videos or other media which my contain my name or image without compensation. I understand that my email address could be shared with orchestra members, the FCO Board of Directors, and staff for internal communication about FCO operations and events. FCO does not share your personal/contact information with external parties without the member’s approval. I am participating in FCO activities at my own risk. I agree to hold harmless FCO, its Board, staff, officers, agents and volunteer workers from any and all liability for loss, injury, or damage that I may sustain as a result of my participation in FCO activities or functions.