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RGC Volunteer Application

Contact Information



Friendship Volunteers are matched with specific international students at local universities to provide practical and social support to help students acclimate to American Culture

Please apply through our AmbassaDoors portal!

Hospitality hosts invite international visitors to their home for dinner. This is a unique opportunity to meet leaders from around the world in a casual setting. Dinners don't have to be extravagant- if you don't have time to cook, order a pizza!
Some visitors have dietary restrictions or allergies such as being vegetarian, halal, or others
Guests typically stay at hotels in Downtown Rochester
Homestay hosts are volunteers that provide a bedroom, 1-2 meals a day for adult and/or youth visitors for 1-2 weeks as part of professional and educational exchanges RGC hosts throughout the year.

Please note: You can only host a total of 2 visitors at a time and they must have their own bed.

Summer 2019 availability: 

Please indicate any black-out dates for each month listed below.

(Example: 06/01-06/04, 06/21-06/23)

Name, relation, email, phone number

Name, relation, email, phone number
Members of RGC receive special benefits and help support our programs. All membership contributions are tax-deductible. Membership starts at $35/year.

Please provide a family photo to share with your host student.

Please write a brief (2-3 sentences) message to your student that we will share with them prior to their arrival in Rochester