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The Eternal Light Society helps ensure our future!

We welcome you to join The Reutlinger Community Eternal Light Society.  Our success depends on the generosity of donors and Family Foundations including us in their estate plans.  Your thoughtful Legacy Charitable Gift will help ensure the future vibrancy and financial strength of The Reutlinger Community for many years to come.  By providing for all or a portion of your assets to be designated to The Reutlinger Community, you can receive numerous tax benefits, and take measures to secure many generations to follow. We encourage you to discuss the options with our Philanthropy professionals, and your own financial advisor.
If you would like a phone call from our Philanthropy and Legacy professionals, please provide your phone number and a convenient time to call is the space below. You can also reach our Philanthropy office during regular business hours at 925-964-2072.

The Reutlinger Community is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization (EIN # 94-3201366), and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed) sexual orientation, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, physical or mental ability.
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The button below, will take you to PayPal, our merchant service provider.  You do NOT need a PayPal account to submit a one time donation by credit card. After you select the PayPal Checkout button and you will be able to enter your credit card info on PayPal's secure website.

If you are setting up a recurring donation, you will need a PayPal account. You can cancel the recurring donation at any time through your PayPal account. The Reutlinger Community does not have access to recurring donations since they will be handled through your PayPal account.