Be a volunteer for the day! This is an open day to come and help us out at the Ranch. You’ll get to meet the horses, enjoy fellowship, and help with some of our special tasks.
Community Work Days will be on October 19th (2:00-4:00) and November 9th (2:00-4:00) Let us know which dates you can attend below!
Important info to know:
- Each child under the age of 10 must have an adult accompanying them for a one-parent-per-one-child ratio. Children between ages 10-15 must have a parent with them.
- A waiver must be completed for each individual attending.
- Wear close-toed, durable shoes (hiking boots or muck boots are ideal) and long pants.
- Tasks may include mucking out pastures, cleaning tack, simple building projects, gathering sticks, weedeating, weedspraying, etc. Expect some good old-fashioned hard work!
- We welcome families, churches, businesses, and other teams to join us!