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2024 Youth Programs Volunteer Sign Up

Distance Series Volunteer: Ride leader orientation April 13th

We are looking for volunteers (ages 18+) to assist our Bike Works Ride Leaders during our 2024 Distance Riding Series. This is a more intense road riding program leading up to the Seattle to Portland ride (STP) and the ideal candidates would feel comfortable supporting youth bike rides from 20-100 miles in length.

Volunteers will assist Bike Works staff in teaching long distance and safety skills to middle and high school age youth as they sharpen their endurance, team building and road riding skills.

Volunteer orientation for this position will be on Saturday, April 13 at 11am.

Distance Rides start Saturday, April 27th at 10am and continue on the following dates:

    • Saturdays (5/4, 5/11, 5/18, 5/25, 06/01, 06/08, 06/15, 06/22)
    • Wednesdays and Fridays (06/26, 06/28, 07/03, 07/05) 

School Based Volunteers: Starts the week of April 22nd

We are looking for volunteers (ages 18+) to assist our after-school riding clubs with youth ages 12-18! A dedication of 2-3 hours per week with the capacity to stay through the full school year (or the quarter) is ideal to maintain consistency for our students. A passion for riding bikes, traffic safety and sharing joy is a must-have and prior experience working with youth is greatly appreciated. Volunteers assist our Bike Works Ride Leaders during group rides and while teaching road riding skills around the South Seattle area

Volunteer Duties and Responsibilities

  • Plan, coordinate, and implement weekly rides, program activities, and logistics
  • Teach bicycle skills and lead supplemental lessons/activities
  • Visual documentation of club operations (e.g. weekly photos and videos of club activities for the MTP Instagram account)
  • Oversee safety and risk management
  • Conduct outreach and recruitment activities
  • Build a supportive MTP community through facilitation of team building activities and growth-mindset engagement
  • Serve as the site specific point-of-contact, bridging communication between school administration, parents, students, and Cascade
  • Record and maintain all relevant administrative data for site programming including: attendance records, volunteer records, completed rides, etc.
  • Maintain a clean and organized workspace, fleet, an supportive equipment library


  • Desire and skill to work with youth between the ages of 12 to 18
  • Ability to ride a bike proficiently for extended periods of time with others
  • Group management and facilitation skills
  • Patience, punctuality, and accountability
  • Must be willing and able to work outdoors in varied conditions
  • Basic computer knowledge and skills for online youth engagement
  • Must pass a background check, including motor vehicle (driving) record
  • Willingness to learn

Desired Qualifications

  • Great cycling skills and a knowledge of bike mechanics
  • Conflict mediation experience
  • Youth development and enrichment experience
  • Experience supporting racial, health, mobility, and/or environmental equity and justice programs and outcomes
  • CPR, First Aid or Wilderness First Responder certification
  • Ability to translate English into other languages
  • Valid driver's license


Email Rich Brown at with any questions.

Please select the volunteer opportunities that you would like to sign up for
Please select the dates you are available to volunteer:
Complete the form here:

Contact Information


Emergency Contact Info

We will only use this in case you are seriously injured during volunteering opportunities.

Examples: parent, partner/spouse, caretaker

Demographic Info

We value diversity. Please help us gauge our efforts to create a more inclusive bicycle culture by sharing some information about yourself. This information is required for grant reporting, will be kept confidential, and will not affect your opportunities to volunteer.

Check all that apply so we know how to refer to you!

Do you have any access needs that will support your safety and comfort?

Volunteer Interest

Please include the language(s) you speak in your response

If you have other skills you'd like to share, a specific project in mind, or anything else you think we should know about you as a volunteer, let us know here!

Volunteer Background Check

For you to volunteer at Bike Works, we must conduct a background check. Your criminal background will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering at Bike Works.

A background check is a requirement of volunteering with Bike Works. Having a criminal background will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering.

This is required information to run a background check.
Answering “Yes” will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering at Bike Works.
Answering “Yes” will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering at Bike Works.
Answering “Yes” will not necessarily prevent you from volunteering at Bike Works.

Electronic Signature
The statements set forth in this application are, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I agree that any misstatements or omissions as to material fact will constitute the grounds for unfavorable consideration or dismissal from volunteering with Bike Works. I am aware that a criminal background check will be performed upon submission of this volunteer application.
Bike Works Waiver & Media Release
  1. I understand the nature of Bike Works' sponsored activities at and outside of Bike Works, and warrant that I am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate.
  2. I acknowledge that some activities occur on public roads and other facilities on which the risks of travel are to be expected and that some activities occur in a bike shop in which the risks of a shop setting are to be expected. These risks include MINOR & SERIOUS BODILY INJURIES, PERMANENT DISABILITY, PARALYSIS, OR DEATH. These risks may be caused by my actions or inactions, as well as the actions or inactions of pothers participating in the activities.
  3. I release, covenant not to sue, and hold harmless Bike Works, its volunteers, employees and sponsors, as well as other participants ("Releasees") for any and all liability related to activites caused or alleged to be caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the Releasees. I further agree that if, despite this release, I, or anyone on my behalf, make such claim against any of the Releases, I will indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all costs they incur as the result of such claim including, but not limited to, attorney fees and costs.
  4. In case of an emergency, I hereby authorize and give permission to any physician, hospital, health care provider, or other medical personnel selected by the staff of Bike Works to provide prompt medical treatment and arrange necessary related transportation. I agree that, once I am in the care of medical personnel or a medical facility, Bike Works shall have no further responsibility for me and Iagree to pay all costs associated with such medical care and transportation. I also authorize Bike Works staff to dispense medications to me as needed.
  5. I give permission for Bike Works to use, without limitation or obligation, photographs, film footage or tape recording that may include my image or voice for purposes of promoting Bike Works programs.
  6. I understand that volunteering at Bike Works and taking part in rides is a privilege. It is my responsibility to ride and behave safely at all times. I will practice safe work habits and safe riding habits including wearing a helmet when riding to, from, or on Bike Works programs.