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Thanks so very much for your support of our Platt Scholars!  If you need help or have any questions or comments, please contact Kale Beers, JWP Director of Development.

Please click here for a printable donation form that can be mailed.

Interested in a recurring gift? We have new options below and support can be adjusted at any time.  

Contact Information

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Complete if you are an organization making a donation.


Par, Birdie, Eagle, Double Eagle, EMPOWER and Lifetime will receive an engraved bag tag. All JWP alumni gifts will receive an alumni bag tag.


Please enter name(s) as you would prefer to appear in all donor listings (please note that name(s) will appear exactly as entered)

Please enter name(s) that you would like for engraved bag tags (limit 2)
If you have a Club affiliation (not required), please choose it here.