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Volunteer With Tacoma Tree Foundation

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Tacoma Tree Foundation! This form helps us understand your interests as a volunteer to be called upon for events, and reach out to the right volunteers for the right event. 

If you are interested in volunteering only for a specific event, please refer to our calendar or volunteer pages for specific volunteer sign-up forms and event lists. 


Contact Information


Please let us know if you are volunteering as an individual (or family unit) or for an organization/large group.

Please give us an approximate group size
Caravanning and carpooling may be available or required for some events. Details will be provided with any events you specifically choose to join.
We welcome all ages of volunteer support. Please recognize that 17 and younger need adult supervision and permission to volunteer.
Check any that apply and check all if you are fully available

e.g. I love gardening, or I have a degree I want to use skills from
Welcome to the team!

Thank you for your commitment to greening neighborhoods across Tacoma and the surrounding urban complex. Please consider donating today to help neighborhoods in need of more tree cover.

We care about our volunteers and their wellbeing. For each event, you will be required to sign a release of liability, accept TTF and Covid policies, and state your photo permission choice (yes or no).