All donations received are considered unrestricted for operations and programming for the Michigan Center for Civic Education. This is preferred for donations as it permits the flexibility necessary to meet civic education operations and programming needs including the 2022 National High School Mock Trial Championship Event. If this does not meet your needs, let’s talk! Contact Ellen Zwarensteyn - information below.
Also, in the event of a public health or other emergency prohibiting an in-person event, funds will be retained by MCCE to operate a virtual, hybrid, or other form of championship. All donation levels will still be honored and publicized in an equivalent method. Similarly, should the event location need to change due to a variety of issues including public health, space and venue availability, or other unforeseen reason, gifts will be utilized to host in a different location.
Events sponsors will be allocated on a first come basis. Some benefits may have deadlines. Please stay connected to see what is available at the time of your pledge.
By completing this form, I agree to the above notes on fund use. My typed name/signature indicates acceptance of the Use of Funds policy.
Thank you.