One moment please...

Holiday Nature CREATION STATION - Wednesday December 21, 2022


Please complete one form per child.

***Please provide us an email address that you routinely check - it is what we will use for program communication.***

Thank You! 

Are you a Fern Hollow Nature Center Member?
Not a member? Join today!

Participant Information

Please fill out this form for each of your children if you have multiple participating in programs.
Child's participation history
Permission and Waiver Forms / Policies and Procedures

Permission and Waiver Forms / Policies and Procedures

If this is your child's first program at Fern Hollow in 2022, you need to fill out one Fall 2022 Waiver and Permission Form AND one Fall 2022 Policies and Procedures Form per child. Please click on the links below.  You may complete the forms after you submit your registration.

Fall 2022 Waiver and Permission Form

Fall 2022 Policies and Procedures

Please provide the full name of who to contact in case of an emergency

Please provide the phone number for your emergency contact

Electronic Signature

Contact email


Members Only Registration

Public Registration