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MMPNO Membership Application

Member Information


Month and day

Experience & Education

(Note: A student nurse (SN) is an unlicensed student in a nursing program)

Please enter using YYYY format, e.g., 2024

Please select all that apply.

Please list.
Please select all that apply.

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Please select all that apply.

Please list.


You have a great opportunity to be involved with the organization.
Please select your top 3 committees of interest.

Please rank your committee selections by typing them in the "Rank your selections" field with the number rank. For example: if Education, Endowment and Ways & Means are the choices and Education is the applicant's highest interest, Ways & Means is the next highest interest and Endowment is the least, type: 1-Education; 2-Ways & Means; 3-Endowment.

Annual Membership Dues

(Memberships are free for nursing students pursuing their initial RN degree.)