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Enrichment and Innovation Grant Application 2024


Applicant Contact Information


Check which grant you are applying for:
2024 BPSF Grant Application

Good titles are descriptive, concise and memorable!

What is the need for this project? Why is this important? Describe the current state of what/who the project will impact. Is there any research or best practices that support your proposal – if so, cite that here.

What specific activities will you undertake with this grant, what is the timeline for those activities? How will these activities help address the problem identified above?

Who will the project target? How many people will be impacted? Examples are 25 teachers, 35 students receiving ELL services, all students in the 4th grade at a specific school...

Enter the amount of grant dollars you seek (up to $1,000)

Please upload a brief budget that will give grant reviewers an idea of how the funds will be spent.