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How to Begin Your Work of Nonfiction

How to Begin Your Work of Nonfiction will explore how to begin a personal essay or work of creative nonfiction.

What makes an effective or engaging opening? What different strategies are available and how might writers work towards their own style and voice within these tropes?

The workshop will examine examples of different openings in works of creative nonfiction before writing their own openings that reflect and develop on these openings.


Thomas Mira y Lopez
is the author of The Book of Resting Places (Counterpoint Press, 2017). His work has appeared in The American Scholar, The Georgia Review, and Kenyon Review Online among other places and he has received fellowships from Colgate University and the MacDowell Colony. He's an editor of Territory, a literary project about maps, and a lecturer at the Cleveland Institute of Art.


Details: How to Begin Your Work of Nonfiction takes place Tuesday, July 13 and Tuesday, July 20 from 12-1pm remotely through Zoom. 


Zoom Info: Register for the talk and Lit Cleveland will send you an invitation and instructions on how to attend via Zoom. 

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