Thank you for your order of a granite paver in Veterans Memorial Park, Stamford, Connecticut. Use this portal if you are paying by credit card. If you are paying by check, please send the form with your check payable to: Stamford Veterans Park Partnership, Inc. and mail to:
Stamford Veterans Park Partnership, Inc.22 First Street Stamford, CT 06905
These pavers are a wonderful way to honor, remember or thank a loved one, relative, friend, service member, veteran or organization. Proceeds raised from our Paver Campaign will support the mission of Stamford Veterans Park Partnership. Please be sure to read all of the instructions when completing the order form. Symbols are considered one space and include: period, comma, dash, and blank spaces. All text will be centered on the paver and written out in capital letters.
It will take 8 to 9 weeks to have the pavers engraved after final approval is received. Contact Colleen Harkey at harkeyvppartnership@gmail with any questions on the order or text set up.