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KFS_Logo_Navy_Red.jpgThe 1918 Society

Letter of Intent for an Estate Gift

Tax Exempt#: 11-1666834

As evidence of my/our desire to provide legacy support to The Kew-Forest School, I/we hereby inform Kew-Forest that I/we have made a provision for a gift to the School in my/our estate plan(s). I/we understand that while this commitment is revocable, I/we have the good intentions The Kew-Forest School will ultimately receive this gift.

Contact Information




Bequest Information

I/we wish to inform The Kew-Forest School, for long-term planning purposes only, that as of this date, the value of my/our gift is indicated below.* (If your gift is a percentage of your estate, please indicate the approximate present value of that percentage.)  I/We understand that by stating an amount, my/our estate is not legally bound by this statement and I/we may choose to add, subtract, or revoke this bequest at any time, at my/our sole discretion.

*We hope you will share the approximate amount of your gift with us to help with long-term planning efforts.
It is my/our intent to leave a legacy to The Kew-Forest School through my/our:

Digital Signature

Digital Signature (Spouse)


Sample Bequest Language You Can Use

I give, devise, and bequeath _______________ (insert percentage, dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to The Kew-Forest School, a nonprofit educational organization, located at 119-17 Union Turnpike Forest Hills, NY 11375, to benefit The Kew-Forest School and its general purposes.

Your charitable gift to The Kew-Forest School is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

Please discuss your intended estate plan and/or annual giving with a tax professional to confirm the allowable deduction.

For more information about charitable giving at The Kew-Forest School, please contact:  Ms. Francesca Ryan, Director of Development & Alumni Relations at or call: (718) 551-3114.

The Kew-Forest School
119-17 Union Turnpike
Forest Hills, NY 11375