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Volunteer Application

Your volunteer contribution will make a difference. Whether you're able to help with a single event or you have the time to assist on a regular basis, a rewarding and invaluable experience awaits you.

Contact Information


Please check all the skills which you have experience in and would be willing to share with LSTS.

Please check all the skills which you don't have experience but would like to learn at LSTS.

Liability Waiver

Physical Activity, Pre-Existing Condition, and Publicity Authorization Release for Volunteers

release the Lake Superior Tall Ships, its officers, employees, volunteers, and contractors from responsibility for personal injury or liability while engaged int he activities as a volunteer and participating in the operation of the organization's vessels and the execution of our programs. I understand that this activity may require physical conditioning, and I certify that I am in appropriate physical condition to perform the duties for which I will volunteer. I understand that there is an element of risk in these activities and agree to follow all instructions, rules and regulations.