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Foster Interview Form

Foster Volunteer Information

Your personal information will not be shared with potential adopters unless indicated by you.


Foster Animal Information

If no, list SICSA's name(if known)

ie: One month, two weeks etc.


This information will be shared with potential adopters to help make the right match. Please fill out all the information as accurately as possible. If you do not know the answer please just indicate unsure or other.

Where do they sleep, when do they eat, get up, go out; what is a typical day like for your foster animal?

Do they have a favorite spot?
Please choose all that apply.

Please indicate circumstances of aggression. What happened, who was the aggression towards, was it motivated by fear, play, etc.

If yes please indicate which(growl, nip, bite, scratch) and explain the circumstances.
Please select all that apply.

If no, please provide detail's about any and all accidents

If yes, how many hours(on average) per day. Where were they kept?(Kenneled, laundry room, foster room)

If yes, what did they do? If never left alone, indicate N/A

If yes, was it only when left alone? Do you think it was due to boredom or stress and why do you think this?

Other animal/people interactions

If yes, please describe- how many, what kind, size, age and gender. e.g- 2 dogs, both male, one is 7 years and 85#, the other is 4 years and 60#. 2 cats, both female, one is 10 years the other is 2 years.

If yes, how were they introduced? What was the reaction?

If yes, how were they introduced? What was the reaction?

If yes, please describe the circumstances, how many and the ages of the children.

Please select all that apply.

Please give as much detail as possible.


This section is for you to share any additional information with potential adopters.

Every detail will help SICSA find the perfect match for your foster animal.
We will not share any of your information unless you indicate yes, and you will need to indicate yes each time you fill this form out for us to give out your information. This information will only be shared once a potential adopter has completed the adoption process.

Need access to you google folder? Email me at!

Need access to your google folder? Email me at!