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2024 Fall Watershed Tour Registration

Contact Information



I/My organization wish to participate in the MWCC 2024 Fall Watershed Tour. I/My organization understand that I do so at my own risk. In exchange for being permitted to participate in the Activity, I/My organization hereby release the Montana Watershed Coordination Council, the Sun River Watershed Group, and all employees, officers, agents, representatives and volunteers of the foregoing (all collectively referred to as the “Released Parties”) from liability for and hereby waive any and all claims for any loss, damage, injuries to person or property, death, claims, demands, lawsuits, expenses and any other liability of any kind, or of to me or any other person, directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with my participation in or attendance at the activity. I/My organization further agree to hold harmless, indemnify and reimburse the Released Parties from and for any sums, costs, or expenses incurred by any of the Released Parties or paid by them to any person (including me or my insurers) in connection with any accident loss, damage, injury to person or property, or death sustained by me or others in connection with my attendance at or participation in the Activity. This means that I/My organization will reimburse the Released Parties if anyone makes a claim against them based on damages or injuries to person or property I/My organization may suffer or cause. Further, I/My organization agree to abide by all state, local, and federal, and tribal laws for the duration of the activity in which I/My organization am participating. I understand that at this event I may be photographed. I agree to allow my photo, video, or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the event holders, producers, sponsors, and organizers. Having read and understood the above, I/My organization freely sign this waiver, release and hold harmless agreement.

MWCC Supporting Members receive discounted registration. If you are not yet a member, you can still receive the discount by signing up now. More information at

Each tour spot is limited to 20 people and will be first come, first serve. If you get a spot, Kierra will email you with the date and time of the tour you are registered for.

Please submit questions (with answers) about your watershed that can be used during Trivia at the Wednesday night social. Examples: what rivers flow through Missoula, what year was MWCC founded, what is the Smith River most known for