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Capture The Flag 17 Registration

Saturday, October 19, 2024

11am - 3pm

Competition starts promptly at noon.

The Cature the Flag event is held in multiple locations.  All locations listed with the exception of the Autonomous Robotics Innovation Center (ARIC) in Westminster, MD at 31 W Main St - Rear are closed/invite only locations. ARIC is open to any/all participants. Walk-ins are welcome.

Capture the Flag Logo.png


Registration Information


Enter your organization or the name of your current attending school
Select your current education level
Please select where you will be participating. All locations with the exception of ARIC are closed/invite only locations

Please enter the team name your username will be associated with

Please list any food restrictions or food allergies.
Please select your T-Shirt size
Have you attended a MAGIC event in the past? Select all that apply


I hereby consent to the use of my childs name, likeness, picture, and/or voice by the Mid-Atlantic Gigabit Innovation Collaboratory, Inc. (MAGIC) for broadcast, promotion, direct exhibition, and subsidiary purposes. Such uses will not be made as direct endorsement of any product or service. I hereby indemnify you and your licensees respecting any claim arising from my actions or statements on the program. No compensation will be received in exchange for permissions granted herein.