Nature Journaling is a practice of creativity and curiosity that draws from our own experiences in the natural world. Learn beginner-friendly field sketching and recording techniques, taught by naturalist artist Kim McNett, that will strengthen your observation and appreciation of the natural world. This event will be held on a property protected by KHLT and proceeds help support our work to protect land in perpetuity.
When: Tuesday, September 3rd, 5:30 pm
Where: Effler Boardwalk off Skyline Drive. We will meet near KHLT's office and carpool to the site. Details will be sent via email after booking.
Land Trust Members: $35
General Tickets: $55 (which includes a $20 membership!)
Not sure if you're a member? Email
This workshop is outdoors and designed for adult participants. Teens are welcome too! Workshops include a blank journal and use of all needed supplies at no extra cost, but feel free to bring your own favorite art supplies if you have them.