One moment please...

*AGES 7-9* 2024 Nutcracker Audition Registration

Please fill out one form per dancer auditioning for a youth cast role in NPB's production of The Nutcracker, December 6-8 & 13-15, 2024.

Please read each question carefully before submitting your application. This form MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE TIME OF YOUR DANCER'S AUDITION ON AUGUST 18.


Anyone who submits their application by August 9 will receive access to audition prep videos sent to the email address provided on August 12.


I acknowledge and accept risk of illness and injury associated with participation and agree to hold harmless North Pointe Ballet and its affiliates. I agree that North Pointe Ballet and its affiliates have taken reasonable measures to ensure my safety. I authorize NPB and its affiliates to use my dancer's image and likeness in whatever way they see fit.
I understand there is a participation (AKA production) fee varying between $115-$185 depending on my child's role. I am also responsible for purchasing tights, shoes, and appropriate undergarments. (Scholarships are available. Please email if you anticipate needing assistance.)
I understand NPBs mission of inclusivity will involve performance opportunities for people of all races, genders and abilities. I also understand that to promote understanding and acceptance, the cast will participate in training that furthers awareness and sensitivity.
I understand that my child is expected to attend all studio rehearsals at BWCAS in Berea, designated technical rehearsals at the theater either December 2-5 or 9-12, and designated performances either December 6-8 or 13-15.

Please describe any potential conflict with Sunday afternoon in-studio rehearsals, or tech rehearsals in as much detail as possible. **Please describe any anticipated conflicts with In-studio rehearsals held on Sunday afternoons between 12-5 and possibly Saturday afternoons from 1-3. If you have a conflict with tech week or a performance, you should wait and audition for a different NPB production that works in your schedule.**
PLEASE NOTE: If you audition, you are agreeing to being available for either weekend. NPB cannot guarantee everyone will receive their preference.

Dancer Info

(Example: JRDS, Marlee Floyd)

(Ex. Nutcracker, 2021, Bon Bon) If you have not participated in any NPB production in the past, that's okay! Just put N/A :)


(Example: John Doe, Father or Jane Doe, Grandmother)

Additional Info

As a nonprofit organization, NPB is sustained with public and private funding to fulfill its mission, and is often required to collect demographic data to submit to funders. NPB also relies on volunteers and community partnerships and sponsors in order to offer professional opportunities for local youth cast dancers.
Please select all that apply.

If you do not attend public school, please put "N/A."
Check all that apply!
By checking the box below, I am granting permission for my minor child to sign themselves out at the conclusion of their designated act in NPB's production of the Nutcracker. I am releasing NPB from any liability and I accept responsibility for my child. I am aware that by checking the "I agree" box below, I am granting permission for my child to leave the theatre without supervision through the stage door and connect with family via the front of the theatre. I am aware that my child may not be permitted to access the lobby THROUGH the theatre and will exit through the stage door. NPB staff and volunteers will not be held responsible once the minor has signed themselves out.